How to find a good photographer in 5 steps

How to find a good photographer in 5 steps
If you are here then you pretty much found your photographer so whats the problem? You found a good photographer.
Ok all jokes aside we all know its pretty difficult to find a good photographer here in the Bahamas. In fact its becoming harder and harder for a number of reasons that we all know about. The biggest issue is that
here is just so many persons out there calling themselves photographers, but how can you tell if they are a good photographers?
Its really not that hard especially here in the Bahamas and particularly in Nassau. You have to understand how people/person with a camera / photographer thinks. its quite simple once you realize that they want you to see the best side of them. What does this mean well lets go over a few things.
1 – Does the person have a website?
This is the first thing you should look for. Why? Well it takes some time and skill to set up a working website. Not all photographers are web designers but if they are serious they can pay to have one built for them. So no website doesn’t mean they are a bad photographer but it does mean they are not taking the business seriously.
2 – Does the person use social media sites.
There are so many social media sites these days its difficult to keep up with them so lets just sick with the basic top 3. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Why is this important. Again like the website social media is a way to solicit new business but letting potential clients know about your work and what you do. So a sensible social media presence shows this person may be taking this kinda seriously. One caveat however. Pay attention to the images they post. If you are in your 4o’s and all you see are images of teenagers…its possible that that person may not be the best person to take your pictures. This point takes me in to my next point.
3 – What type of images do they post.
This is a point where you can tell allot about the potential photographer you are looking at but you have to know what it is that you want firstly. It makes no sense you saying “I want good pictures” What is good? Good for you and good for me or someone else are all very different ideas. Please oh please be specific in what you want. No use looking at underwater portrait images and you want quick full body one shot image in your party outfit. If the person post one type of image and you want another again they may not be best for you.
Images posted are not always reflection that the photographer cannot do the job, however use the other 4 tips to make a final decision. I myself photograph many different genres and post them sparingly so that should give you an idea.
4 – Are they legal
We in the Bahamas are natural and modern pirates so this is not something that most persons even consider. Technically however being legal becomes extremely important for higher priced work such as weddings. A legal photographer is one who is registered as a business with the Government of the Bahamas. Why?
“Any person who owns or operates a business in The Bahamas is required to apply for and obtain a business licence in compliance with the Business Licence Act 2010.” Dept of Inland Revenue You may want to research the Business Licence Act 2010 for the definition of a business but to keep it short. Anyone who exchanges goods or services for money can be considered a business.
Main reason why you want them to be legal especially for wedding photography. If they mess up your images or take your money without completing the said work…what then?
5 – Talk to them
Yup it ends up being that simple. Book a meeting with the person. Sit and talk to them see if they are a good match for what you want. Will they help you make the images you have in mind whether you are considering portraits or commercial it is important to talk with your photographer and see what they have to offer you and most importantly if you feel comfortable with them as you will need that good rapport during the photo session.
So there you have it 5 simple steps to find a good photographer. Its all on you so dont expect a person with a camera to know how to capture the images you want without doing your own research first. Don’t be silly, word of mouth referrals are still great but just because mr photo man was good for your friend doesn’t mean he will be good for you. Get out there and find a good photographer.
“Everything isn’t for Everybody” – Jill Scott
Have you ever been able to find a good photographer to capture your memories? or have you only found jokers who never do a good job. Comment below and let me know your story.