Photography is EASY!?

Photography is EASY
I was glad to see that a pie chart was made that actually outlines the process of being a professional photographer. It came at an interesting time in that the day before I was having a conversation with a close friend telling them how most people believe photography is easy and its just a matter of pressing a button. I explained that what people dont see is the amount of work and planning that goes into a photo session before it begins and even more so after its is done.
My off handed estimations were as follows;
8% maintaining equipment
10% shooting
12% Dealing with clients
70% sitting in front of a computer
I got a blank stare so I had to explain a bit more. Before I can undertake a photo session and when I have completed on I have to clean my equipment and make sure everything is in order from battery charging lens cleaning, packing photo bag and storing other equipment that may be needed or was used plus if something didn’t work properly on a session it now means I have to change my tactic, drop that technique or upgrade purchase new equipment. That accounts for 8% of the time during a full photo session.
During and after booking requires setting a location loading up equipment and driving to location meeting with client discussing what will be going on, directing client, and constantly adjusting to the changing lighting situations using the equipment at hand. Although one of the fun parts of Photography its only about 10% of the time spent.
Again back to the client from email, to phone conversation, to meeting and brain storming and coming up with a location or theme for the photo session, finding out what would suit the client base on the type on work to be done, carrying out the photo session to viewing of the finished images to picking out the ones they like best for photo products and then delivering photo products to them. This accounts for about 12% but there are the occasional clients who may take up to 20%
The largest amount of time for a photographer is spent in front of a computer, editing photos, marketing and advertising which includes setting prices and putting together information for potential clients, social networking, updating blog sites, facebook, linkedin, twitter and others. Editing photos, designing photo albums or slide shows, producing print products and other products. Networking with other photographers or businesses, editing photos, learning new techniques, taking courses, upgrading yourself and equipment, oh did I mention editing photos lol yeah it takes that much time for certain jobs.
At the end of the day more work is done behind the scenes than center stage to make great images. The key is to not to let others see the amount of work involved by making it look easy and flawless. That’s the true measure of a good Photographer.